The academic plan includes credits to be earned through workshops or other elective training activities. Each workshop awards 3 credits (CFU).
Please refer to the academic regulations for your year of enrolment for the number of credits to be earned. More specifically:
- Those who enrolled as of A. Y. 2020-21 must earn 3 credits
- Those who enrolled in previous academic years must earn 9 credits
Students wishing to attend a workshop and earn the corresponding credits must:
- pre-register/apply (depending on the type of workshop)
- register on the Unimi portal for credits to be recorded
Pre-register/apply for philosophy workshops
For academic year 2024-25, you can pre-register during the following periods:
- First semester: from Monday 30 September 2024 at 00.01 a.m. to Friday 4 October 2024 at 11.59 p.m.
- Second semester: to be defined
You can pre-register for workshops through Agorà, the Philosophical Sciences platform.
There are 30 places available per workshop, unless otherwise specified.
Each student can pre-register for one workshop only per semester.
Students who still need to earn more than 3 credits through workshops or other training activities and are close to graduation, please write to Note the date on which you intend to graduate, the number of exams you have to take and the number of workshop credits to be earned yet.
You can register for workshops regardless of your year of enrolment.
However, please remember that first-semester workshops are primarily geared to students who have already attended the first year of their degree programme. Moreover, as a rule, you can register for workshops only if you have completed your enrolment.
Tutors for workshops and other activities
Andrea Garavaglia (surnames A-L)
Frigo Alberto (surnames M-Z)
Academic office of the Department of Philosophy
Workshops are part of the training programme. Students are required to attend workshops in order to sit the final exam.
Each degree programme sets its own application procedures.
Registration to workshops is required for academic credits to be recorded on transcript.
You can register from your Unimia page using the exam registration service (select exams, then other elective courses), within the deadlines:
- for first-semester workshops, from 11 November to 19 December 2024 and from 13 to 22 January 2025;
- for second-semester workshops, from 24 March to 28 April 2025 and from 19 May to 11 June 2025.
Please note that no registrations will be accepted outside these periods for the purposes of credit recording.
You can register for a workshop through the exam registration service
Course | Max ECTS | Hours | Period | Language |
Teaching Workshop: Advanced Philosophical Workshop 1 | 3 | 36 | Second semester | Italian
Teaching Workshop: Advanced Philosophical Workshop 2 | 3 | 36 | Second semester | Italian
Teaching Workshop: Advanced Philosophical Workshop 3 | 3 | 36 | Second semester | Italian
Teaching Workshop: Advanced Philosophical Workshop 4 | 3 | 36 | Second semester | Italian
Teaching Workshop: Advanced Philosophical Workshop 5 | 3 | 36 | First semester | Italian
Teaching Workshop: Advanced Philosophical Workshop 6 | 3 | 36 | First semester | Italian
Teaching Workshop: Advanced Philosophical Workshop 7 | 3 | 36 | First semester | Italian
Denominazione del laboratorio |
Docente titolare |
Sedi e orari |
Note |
Sui sillabi di ogni singolo laboratorio sono indicate le piattaforme di cui i docenti si avvarranno per condurre gli incontri in remoto.
Denominazione del laboratorio |
Docente titolare |
Sedi orari data inizio |
Note |
Gli studenti della laurea magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche possono acquisire i crediti per attività di laboratorio anche frequentando un laboratorio destinato agli studenti della laurea triennale in Filosofia, solo se tutti i posti dei laboratori per il cds magistrale sono stati occupati e purché nei laboratori scelti dallo studente ci siano ancora posti disponibili.
All workshops are structured as two modules:
- A 20-hour module in small-group setting on the workshop subject
- A 16-hour online asynchronous module on Bibliographic research and writing of a philosophy scientific text
Once the online module is completed, the student will be required to generate and download the pdf certificate with the code to be sent to the workshop conductor
Access the online module Ricerca Bibliografica e redazione di un testo scientifico filosofico
Please note that students of the Master's degree in Philosophical Sciences can acquire only 3 credits (basic course) by attending the "Sustainability and Sustainable Development" workshop.
Lunedì 14 dicembre 2020, ore 14:30 - 16:30
La candidatura efficace: il Curriculum Vitae – a cura di Emiliano Santini, COSP.
Martedì 15 dicembre 2020, ore 14:30 - 16:30
I processi di selezione: il colloquio individuale – a cura di Emiliano Santini, COSP.
Mercoledì 16 dicembre 2020, ore14:30 - 16:30
Personal Branding, valori aziendali e competenze - Le modalità di valutazione contemporanee – a cura di Davide Cacciatore, Roberto Amoia, ManpowerGroup.
Giovedì 17 dicembre 2020, ore 14:30 - 16:30
La ricerca del lavoro virtuale e internazionale nel contesto attuale – a cura di Rudra Chakraborty, Soft skills trainer.
Tutti gli incontri, come per la precedente edizione, si svolgeranno sulla piattaforma Teams.
L’iscrizione è consentita a tutti gli iscritti al 3° anno di C22 e a tutti gli iscritti a C72.
Apertura iscrizione: dal 26 al 30 novembre tramite SIFA a tutti gli iscritti al 3° anno di C22 e a tutti Numero massimo partecipanti complessivi: 120.