Philosophical Sciences-Enrolled from 2017/2018

Course type
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
1.The Second Level Philosophical Sciences Course has only one curriculum. Aim of the Course is to allow students to master theoretical, methodological and critical tools of philosophical sciences, together with a general knowledge of history of philosophy from the origins to the contemporary age. In line with these goals and supporting the own student's interests and professional requirements, students are invited to integrate historical-philosophical and theoretical competences with other humanistic and scientific approaches, attending classes in other Milano University Departments. Students will have several occasions to interact and confront with teachers in order to acquire the ability to elaborate complex topics.
The Second Level Philosophical Sciences Course provides the required competences for working in the domain of:
PhD courses, Academy
Social services
Publishing houses and editorial offices
Multimedial cultural promotion
Management of libraries and museums
Public relations services, staff management, organisation and planning in public and private administration
Teaching in secondary schools

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Gli studenti in possesso di laurea triennale nella classe L05 (o precedente triennale equivalente) possono iscriversi alla laurea magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche, purché abbiano acquisito 60 CFU in discipline filosofiche e storico-filosofiche (da M-FIL/01 a M-FIL/08, oltre a M-STO/05, SPS/01 e IUS/20).
Gli studenti in possesso di altre lauree (di qualunque tipo) possono iscriversi alla laurea magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche purché abbiano acquisito almeno 90 CFU negli ambiti e nei settori previsti dalla tabella ministeriale della classe L05 e purché tra essi vi siano almeno 45 CFU in discipline filosofiche e storico-filosofiche (da M-FIL/01 a M-FIL/08, oltre a M-STO/05, SPS/01 e IUS/20).
The Department of Philosophy entertains Erasmus exchanges with European universities since more than ten years, inviting students to take advantage of them. In the last few years, the Erasmus announcement is published in the web site of the Department and is presented to the students in a meeting organized by the Erasmus Department Coordinator where the different opportunities and areas of research are presented. As the number of universities sharing an exchange with the Department is remarkable, all philosophical areas are covered by the different universities: History of Philosophy, Theoretic Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy of language, Logic and Philosophy of Science. Moreover, many universities offer non-philosophical courses to the students.
The candidates are selected considering their motivation, their academic career and their foreign language proficiency. The commission evaluating the students is made up of professors working at the Department of Philosophy.
The successful candidates fulfil the Learning Agreement with the Erasmus Department Coordinator and discuss with her any change of it by e-mail while they are abroad. The students who send the Learning Agreement to the Erasmus Department Coordinator by e-mail receive it back with the Coordinator's electronic signature and they can ask their hosting university to countersign before returning to Italy.
When the students are back to Italy, their successfully passed exams (documented by the Transcript of records) are converted into Italian exams according to the Learning Agreement; the exam conversions and the relative marks are submitted for approval to the Philosophy Didactic Board.
For a couple of years now, the Department of Philosophy has two Erasmus Placement exchanges for Master students. The successful candidates are offered training to philosophical research and its organization at the University of Barcelona (area of Philosophy of language and Metaphysics) and at the CNRS of Paris (area of Aesthetics). The Department has deliberated to acknowledge up to 6 ECTS (as laboratories) to the students going abroad during their Master course. The International Agreements and Relations Office awards a diploma to the students going abroad after their academic degree.
Optional programme year

a1 - A1) 9 CFU in una delle seguenti discipline
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History of Contemporary Metaphysics 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/06
History of Ancient Philosophy (MA) 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
History of Medieval Philosophy (MA) 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/08
History of Modern Philosophy (MA) 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
History of Philosophy 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
a2 - A2) 9 CFU in una disciplina tra le seguenti
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Philosophy of Language 9 60 English Over several sessions M-FIL/05
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/04
Contemporary Aesthetics 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/04
Philosophy of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/02
Epistemology 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
Epistemology 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/02
Human - Animal Studies 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Logic (second level) 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
Philosophical Analysis 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/05
Philosophical Anthropology 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Philosophy of Computation and Information 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
Philosophy of History 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Representation and Image Theories 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/04
a3 - A3) 27 CFU in tre discipline tra le seguenti
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Philosophy of Language 9 60 English Over several sessions M-FIL/05
Theoretical Philosophy 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
Aesthetics 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/04
Contemporary Aesthetics 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/04
History of Contemporary Metaphysics 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/06
Philosophy of Science 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/02
Didactics of Philosophy 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Epistemology 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
History of Ancient Philosophy (MA) 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
History of Medieval Philosophy (MA) 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/08
History of Modern Philosophy (MA) 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
History of Philosophy 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Human - Animal Studies 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Logic (second level) 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
Philosophical Analysis 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/05
Philosophical Anthropology 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Philosophy of Computation and Information 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
Philosophy of History 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Representation and Image Theories 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/04
b1 - B1) 9 CFU in una delle seguenti discipline
(Attenzione: nel gruppo seguente rientra anche Storia delle relazioni internazionali, se attivato in Ateneo)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Contemporary History 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-STO/04
Latin Literature 12 80 Italian Over several sessions L-FIL-LET/04
Church History 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
Early Christianity 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/07
Economic History 9 60 Italian First semester SECS-P/12
Greek History 9 60 Italian First semester L-ANT/02
Greek Literature 12 80 Italian First semester L-FIL-LET/02
History of Contemporary Italy 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/04
History of Science 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/07
Social Anthropology 9 60 Italian First semester M-DEA/01
Theatrical Literature of Ancient Greece 9 60 Italian First semester L-FIL-LET/02
History of Christianity 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/07
History of Political Philosophy (MA) 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
History of Political Thought 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
Philosophy of Law 9 63 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Religions of the Classical World 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/06
Roman History 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ANT/03
Social History of the Spectacle 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
b2 - B2) 6 CFU in una delle seguenti discipline
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biological and Artificial Intelligent Systems 6 40 Italian First semester INF/01
General and Inorganic Chemistry 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/03
Mathematical Logic 1 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/01
Basic Information Technology for the Humanities 6 40 Italian Second semester INF/01
History of Science - Ma's Degree 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
b3 - B3) 12 CFU in due discipline tra le seguenti
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Contemporary History 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-STO/04
Medieval History 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-STO/01
Modern History 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-STO/02
Theory and Techniques of English Translation 9 60 Italian year L-LIN/12
Biological Evolution 6 40 Italian BIO/05
Algebra 1 9 89 Italian First semester MAT/02
Comparative Philology 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/01
Contemporary English Literature 9 60 English First semester L-LIN/10
Contemporary French Literature 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/03
Contemporary German Literature 9 60 German First semester L-LIN/13
English Literature 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/10
Francophones Literatures 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/03
French Literature 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/03
Geography, Environment, and the Evolution of Human Societies 6 40 Italian First semester M-GGR/01
German Literature 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/13
Greek History 9 60 Italian First semester L-ANT/02
History of Medieval Art 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/01
History of Modern Art 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/02
Mathematical Analysis 1 9 89 Italian First semester MAT/05
Physics I 6 60 Italian First semester FIS/01
Theoretical Linguistics 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/01
Archival Studies 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
British Theatre 9 60 Italian Second semester L-LIN/10
Classical Philology 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/05
Comparative Literature 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/14
Contemporary Spanish Literature 9 60 Spanish Second semester L-LIN/05
English Language 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/12
French Theatre 9 60 Italian Second semester L-LIN/03
History of Contemporary Art 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/03
History of Eastern Europe 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/03
History of Photography 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/03
Humanistic Philology 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/08
Indology 9 60 Italian Second semester L-OR/18
Italian Literature 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/10
Literary Communication in Twentieth-Century Italy 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/11
Literary Theory and Criticism 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/14
Medieval Latin Literature 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/08
Roman History 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ANT/03
Romance Philology 9 60 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/09
Theory and Techniques of French Translation 9 60 French Second semester L-LIN/04
Theory and Techniques of Spanish Translation 9 60 Italian Second semester L-LIN/07
c - Rientra nel percorso didattico al quale lo studente è tenuto ai fini dell'ammissione alla prova finale il superamento (per un totale di 9 CFU) di prove di verifica, relative a laboratori di tema filosofico o volti a garantire elevate abilità informatiche o linguistiche; ciascuna verifica comporta l'acquisizione di 3 CFU.
Potranno essere riconosciute (sempre nell'ambito dei 9 CFU), ove giudicate congrue con le esigenze del corso di studi, ulteriori conoscenze e abilità, anche derivanti da tirocini o altre esperienze in ambienti di lavoro o dalla frequenza di altri laboratori specificamente organizzati e finalizzati a introdurre particolari tipologie di lavoro.
Lo studente ha inoltre a disposizione 9 crediti, da destinare ad altri insegnamenti ovvero a moduli di insegnamento da lui scelti liberamente nell'ambito delle discipline attivate per il Corso di Laurea magistrale, o per gli altri Corsi di Laurea o dell'Ateneo.
Final activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Final Exam 30 0 Italian
Course location
Presidente del Collegio Didattico
Prof.ssa Marialuisa Baldi