Study abroad

Vi ricordiamo gli incontri:

Erasmus Day 2024-25:
24 Novembre 2023 ore 10:30 (su Teams)
Incontro illustrativo con i responsabili degli accordi Erasmus+ del Dipartimento di Filosofia “Piero Martinetti”, Prof. F. Minerva e Prof. G. Torrengo per le/gli studenti interessati a intraprendere un periodo di studi all’estero.

Link alla registrazione dell'incontro del 24 novembre 2023

Incontro Informativo Erasmus 24-25:
16 Febbraio 2024 ore 10:30 (su Teams)
Incontro informativo per l’uscita del bando per la selezione delle/gli studenti Erasmus 2024-25.

Link alla registrazione dell'incontro del 16 febbraio 2024

Gli orali per le selezioni del bando Erasmus 2024-2025 (che esce l'8 febbraio) si terranno martedì 12 marzo 2024 a partire dalle 13:00 in Sala Lauree (Via Festa del Perdono,3)

Iniziative Erasmus del Corso di laurea e del Dipartimento di Filosofia
Erasmus Traineeship. Incontro Informativo.

In occasione della prossima pubblicazione del bando Erasmus Traineeship I (modello “aperto”), i responsabili all'internazionalizzazione del Dipartimento di Filosofia terranno un incontro informativo sulle modalità di iscrizione e selezione. 

L'incontro si terrà il 14 Marzo 2024 alle h 16.00 sulla piattaforma Teams e verrà registrato.

Link alla registrazione dell'incontro del 14 marzo 2024

The Master's Degree Programme in Philosophical Sciences has had Erasmus-exchange partnerships with other European universities for over ten years. The programme keeps students up-to-date on these, encouraging them to take advantage of the opportunities these exchanges offer. In recent years, the Erasmus scholarship programme is posted to the University's website, and is presented to philosophical science students through a special meeting organised by the Department's Erasmus manager, where students are given an introduction to the various campuses, and different options for specialising in philosophy. Given the vast number of campus options, all philosophical areas are covered through the various available campuses: history of philosophy, theoretical philosophy, moral philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of language, logic, and philosophy of science. The various locations also offer the opportunity for students to take exams in subjects other than philosophy.
Candidates are selected by a commission made up of Department teachers, who assess the student's interests, their academic career, and their proficiency in the language of the country where they hope to study.
Admitted students will fill out the Learning Agreement with the Erasmus manager. Once abroad, they will correspond via email with the manager regarding any changes. Students submitting a Learning Agreement to the Erasmus manager via email will receive it back e-signed. They may then have their host university countersign the document prior to their return home.
Upon returning home, any exams the student has taken whilst abroad (documented in the "Transcript of Records") are converted into Italian exams based on the Learning Agreement; exam conversion and the marks for the same shall be subject to approval of the Academic Board for Philosophy.
Current international agreements are available at the following link:…
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 

Extra Erasmus/Extra-EU

International Mobility and Promotion Office

Information and appointments
Contact Center – InformaStudenti

Erasmus+ for Humanities students

Contacts, information meetings, selection interviews, and rankings for Humanities students interested in the Erasmus+ programme.

Studying abroad with Erasmus+

View the call for applications, deadlines and information on Erasmus+ programmes on the University portal: how to participate, Erasmus contributions, what to do before leaving, during your stay and after coming back.